11 November 2006

Book story

It's not the first time when I realise that everything you think about can come true. This is my recent example. I wanted to prove to our teacher of History that in the end of 18th century it wasn't the division of Poland, but of the Commonwealth of Both States (Polish Kindom and Grand Duchy of Lithuania).

So I was really trying to find some good maps and then I found out that there are two very good books about Belarusian history in English! Wow, I really wanted to find them, I went to Google Books section and typed: "Jan Zaprudnik", he is the author.

And... I found links to local libraries. Two books were availiable in some library: "Historical dictionary of Belarus" (published in 1998) and "BELARUS: At a Crossroads in History" (published in 1993). I went to our library and the codes of books were from our library! So I have both books now! And I can borrow it to my friends here who want to know more about our history!!!

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