28 December 2008

Turning myself into waitress

I wanted to name this post using phrases like 'exploring restaurant business' but the current title fits better. Many times I was saying that I would not work as a waitress since the period of such a job of me is over (without ever happening). But now it is actually happening. Well, most of my friends will be surprised (I am surprised too!) and would wonder why? Wait a sec, I will explain it.

Ok, the world crises is not the reason. However, it a way it might be. For the past 6 months I was looking for a job of my dream in international organisations (I still do to tell you the truth), meanwhile workind on different small things. And then a week ago I got a message on Skype from my friend asking if I am looking for a job. My answer was YES. My CV was right for the job description, I like the promised salary, but I was not very excited about the job title. In short, the candidate was expected to be an adminstrator/manager in a restaurant. But, since I like aventures and new things, I said YES and had an interview which I passed. Though with one condition: ...I had to work for two weeks as a waitress. Here I am, I did work for three days already! It's difficult to explain in detail how it was (as can write a long article, I guess). And I don't want to name the restaurant for the moment. I will simply write some funny things from my three days.

My friends know that I hate when I am called 'babe' or 'baby'. And imagine, one girl who is much younger, smaller and thiner than me told be yesterday: baby, would you help me with...? I was laughing for the next ten minutes. It's sooo funny.

My boss did not tell anyone except for my direct superviser that I am not actually a waitress, but will have some other functions. Thus I was asked for the time being to keep it in a secret. But people ask questions and I dont like to lie. The last questions was: So where do you study? I did not say that I have a master degree, but I had to say something. So I named my home university. Then I was confronted with the next question: Did you do a correspondance course? Whad did I have to say? I said, no, I was a day student. Other questions were: So how old are you (read aren't you 20)? Why do you work here (read couldn't you find something better)? Have you ever worked as a waiter (this one is the most popular)?

By the way, working day for a waiter is 12 hours with no breaks. One works 2 days and then 2 days off.

To be continued... P.S. Since it's my first experience as a waitress, any tips (in both meanings) are welcome!

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