09 September 2007

Quick observation of the Economist

I've spent few hours reading the Economist and finding some new and interesting facts. I was surprised to find out that an average touris to Belarus spends some 4000USD! Wow! I would agree with the Economist that:
"This may be because businessmen are the usual visitors and in more inhospitable places costs are higher."

On the other hand, I do hope that there are just 'normal' tourists who are not very rich and still eager to see my country. And then if you calculate an average, one should keep in mind that total number of tourists to Belarus each year is really modest. Just look at the numbers, it's planned that till the 2010 Minsk will be visited by 150000 organised tourists. Is it in total from 1991??? Who knows...:) It's amazing that people in Belarus according to stats travel a lot with trains. Well, on the one hand it's obvious why they prefer trains to planes, as the last ones are very (VERY) expensive. Then it's better to travel with train rather than with buses as it's safer and more convinient. BUT, how come that we are on the third place keeping in mind that Belarusians are not really mobile? Do they travel within the country???

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