20 December 2006

When you plan to multiply:)

Have you ever thought of Cost of Having a Baby. It can sound ridiculous, but in fact it's true. To have a baby it is costly. Why? Well, I admire my friend from Lithuania who at age of 26 has 3 children, but one has to remember that he/she (or both, what is better) has to support this child before even baby is given birth and life-long. I mean, it is certain responsibility. I've read statistics recently that in Belarus every 4 min one person dies and only every 6 min one is given birth. Just two minutes, think about it! But population is decreasing rapidly due to this two minutes. Of course people are looking for the best conditions and they wait for comprehensive maternity service package, it's normal. I hope that one day situation in my country will change and girls will not panic when they find out to be pregnant ;), just the opposite, I hope all of them will be happy! :) So, people, don't wait, multiply (a bit of a joke, but in fact true)!

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