27 December 2006

Сircus in local court

A crowd of people spent many hours in front of one of Minsk courts waiting today when two young men will be judged. If I can call it judgement.

As I wrote before, an Friday evening police forces (including special devision and KGB) 'entered' at concert at privat appartement and arrested about 20 people. In big car (MAZ) they were sent to police office. After while all except two mentioned above were released.

Todays version was slitely different. Two policemen noticed at streed near the building a group of people (2!) who were shouting and swearing. They asked those two to be quite, they didn't obey and two policemen called for a car - which is MAZ again (a huge one) - so guys were arrested.

What is court decision? Who is right? Whose story is nicer? Guess! Of course policemen's:) Who doubts? 5 days in jail for both for swearing in public place...

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