26 January 2006

Wow, survived:)

So, today it was a day of all Tatsianas and I almost missed it, as I forgot my mobile at home. Well, only 14 missed calls and 5 sms during the day:))) The day itself was really intensive, I made a first "professional" presentation in my life!!! It was about inet ads:) I am very happy and really tired now:)

23 January 2006

Changes Just Beginning

Internet Trends (Morgan Stanley Research):

  • We believe first ten years (1995-2005) of commercial Internet were a warm up act for what is about to happen
  • Opportunities / dislocations will be significant
  • Watch what the kids are doing—it is the future…

I am working on the presentation of inet-ads:)

And here is today's photo:

21 January 2006

Supermodel of the World

Katsia Damankova

and the first one is... a girl from Belarus:) It's nice when such things happend. It's good for this particular person, that's good for promotion of the country and also it inspiring other people here:)

Kseniya Sitnik At the end of 2005 Kseniya Sitnik won Junior Eurovision 2005 and this year begins with the victory of Katsia Damankova as a Supermodel of teh World. Great!

P.S. If in the president elections in March 2006 was a girl, maybe the result would be more optimistic?

20 January 2006

Really cold

19th of Jan 2006 in Minsk

it's one more day of real cold, today even more cold -28˚...

Plan minimum for the weekend is to survive these days;)

Plan maximum - as always everything:) Lots of things, at least to be closer to my dreams:D

Stay warm;)

19 January 2006

REAL winter

This funny dog lives in Minsk, I met it one hour ago in the city:)

Today it's Epiphany, so it's supposed to be the coldest day and it's is! Today in Minsk it's - 24˚C. Ufff...

But it's also sunny day, so not that bad if you wear the right clothes;)

17 January 2006

The world

"The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think. " - Horace Walpole

But sometimes you feel and sometimes you think:)

13 January 2006

Old New Year

Minsk in a sphere Christmas tree at Belarusian State University Christmas tree at Belarusian State University In Western countries nobody understands this combination of words. How "New Year" can be "Old"? It's easy folks! It's just because 13th of Jan is 1rst of Jan according to the old times calendar (that's why in Orthodox religion Christmas is two weeks later also). On the other hand why not? One more day to meet friends and celebrate:) Anyway, it's the end of the week! Weekend it coming!!!

06 January 2006

Tulips vs pinks, or few words about flowers

Me and flowers Some girls love roses, I just adore flowers:) The problem is that my birthday is in winter... I really like tulips as they bring spring with them, but I don't like pinks as they remind me about Sovien Union demonstrations:D And the most important for flowers, when they are given sincerely:) Then they last long time;)

Day after birthday or Christmas is coming:)

This photo was taken by my Dad when I was a that age:) It's ME:) So the birthday was yesterday and Christmas is tomorrow:) Today is Friday, so it's the last working day in this first week of the year 2006:) Well, well, well... Let it be a nice day anyway;)

05 January 2006

Birth DAY

I am always at bit nervous at on the 5th of Jan. I have to manage everything, to do lots of things to worry about... and this year started from celebration of NY itself + few birthdays:) It too much:) So, lets celebrate again:)